Iconic Performances Film Series

There is no better way to kick-start spring than watching the prognosticator of prognosticators, Punxsutawney Phil, check for his shadow over and over (and over, and over…) again in the classic Hollywood comedy Groundhog Day (1993).

Bill Murray nails down a tour de force performance as beleaguered weatherman Phil Connors, caught reliving the same day until he finally learns his lesson, whatever that is. This is also the role that launches our Iconic Performances film series, co-sponsored by Bilkent AMER, COMD, and CCI.

JOIN US Tuesday 2 February (which is ACTUAL GROUNDHOG DAY) in FFB-11 starting at 17:45 for a glimpse of Bill Murray at his comedic peak. Then, catch other screenings in the Iconic Performances series scheduled through the spring term.