Professors who affected his carrier:

Prof Ronald Bracewell
Ronald N. Bracewell: Professor of Electrical Engineering at Stanford University between 1955 and 1979. (PhD from Cambridge University) A great teacher with a lot of physical insight. He authored a great textbook: The Fourier Transform and its Applications. I took his course on image formation and resolution.
Joseph W. Goodman: Professor of Electrical Engineering at Stanford University between 1967 and 2000. He is the author of textbook “Introduction to Fourier Optics“. I took two courses given by him: Fourier Optics and Statistical Optics. These courses and his textbook had a big influence in my PhD thesis.

Prof Joseph Goodman
Bert A. Auld: Professor of Applied Physics at Stanford University. He is the author of two volume classical textbook on acoustics in solids “Acoustic Fields and Waves in Solids“. I learned the theory of acoustics in solids from his textbook and the courses I took from him. He was on my PhD dissertation reading committee.

Prof Gordon Kino
Gordon Kino: Professor of Electrical Engineering and Applied Physics at Stanford University. I took several courses from him using his course notes, which eventually led to his textbook: “Acoustic Waves: Devices, Imaging, and Analog Signal Processing“. He was on my PhD dissertation reading committee.
Mustafa Parlar: Professor of Electrical Engineering at Middle East Technical University. (PhD from Brooklyn Polytechnic Institute, 1954). Founding chairman of Electrical Engineering at Middle East Technical University. He wrote me a letter of recommendation for my application to Stanford University.
Nazif Tepedelenlioğlu: Professor of Electrical Engineering at Middle East Technical University. PhD from Brooklyn Polytechnic. A great teacher of Telecommunications. He wrote me a letter of recommendation for my application to Stanford University.