Congrats to Mehmet Bütün, who received the First Prize in the graduate student competition at the National Photonics Workshop! 2024.


Odul Mehmet

 Our recent paper is highlighted in the IEEE Spectrum, also in the print edition’s The Big Picture section. Click here for the link. 2024.

IEEE Spectrum

 Our recent paper is highlighted as Top Story, in the Laser  Focus World. Click here for the link. 2024.

Laser Focus World

 Congrats to Dr. Sueda Saylan, who started her new position as assistant professor at Özyeğin University! 2024.

 Our recent paper is highlighted on the back cover of Advanced Materials Technologies. May, 2024.

Advanced Materials Cover



 Congrats to Alperen Saltik, our graduate student. His manuscript in Optics Letters is highlighted as the Editor’s Pick! These are selected for scientific excellence. 2024.

 New patent:  Our application on three-dimensional dynamic  holography submitted to Turk Patent  is authorised (# TR 2020 00238 B). Date:  December 2022.

 Dr. Sueda Saylan is awarded a “Horizon WIDERA 2022 call”, ‘Era Talents’ grant from the European Research Commission. Congratulations! Date:  August 2022.

EU emblem

News link: Bilnews.

 Dr. Sueda Saylan is a recipient of “Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions Cofund program”, ‘Co-Funded Brain Circulation2 Scheme’ grant. Congrats! Date:  May 2022.

 Dr. Rana Asgari Sabet from our lab received one the NanoArt Awards at the UNAM NANO DAY event . Congrats! Date:  May 2022.

 Our recent paper is highlighted on the back cover of Lasers and Photonics Reviews.  Date: November, 2021.

Laser_Photon_Rev Cover image

  Dr. Tokel received the prestigious “Outstanding Young Scientist Award” from the Turkish Academy of Sciences. The award, which is under the auspices of the Presidency, was given by President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan at the official award ceremony held at the Presidential Complex on 30 December, 2019.

TUBA image

 Each year, the Middle East Technical University Prof. Dr. Mustafa Parlar Foundation recognises scientists for exceptional research, in honour of the late METU professor Mustafa Parlar. This year, UNAM and Physics Faculty member, Dr. Onur Tokel has received the prestigious Mustafa Parlar Research Incentive Award, for his contributions to laser material interactions and developing novel laser lithography approaches (2019).

Parlar image

 Our recent paper is highlighted on the cover of Nature Photonics.  Date: April 2019:


Screen Shot 2017-11-13 at 6.01.32 PM Image: Ella Maru Studio. Cover Design: Bethany Vukomanovic.

Mertcan Han received the “Research Excellence Award” from the Electrical and Electronics Department, for the paper he published from our lab. Congrats! Date:  May 2019.














Ahmet Turnali received the “Best Poster Award” at the National Photonics Workshop with his poster titiled, “3D Functional Elements Deep Inside Silicon with Nonlinear Laser Lithography”.  Congrats!  Date:  May 2016.

ahmet odul








 Ozgun Yavuz received the “Best Student Paper Award” at the CLEO-Pacific Rim conference with the paper titled, “Highly stable periodic structures using nonlinear laser lithography” with the work we co-authored with Prof. F. Ö. Ilday. Date: 2015
