Journal covers
Small, 2023 J. of Materials Chemistry C, 2023
Advanced Electronic Materials, 2024 ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2024
ACS Applied Electronic Materials, 2025 Advanced Sensor Research, 2025
Ordu M., “Nanogenerators: Energy Harvesters and Self-powered Sensors,” in press (2025).
[29] Sadi M., Morsada Z., Onuralp D., Ordu M., Kumpikaitė E.,; Hossain M.,”Recycling Soft Wearable Electronics for Circularity and Sustainability: A Review”, under review, (2025). [28] Kurucu A., Hussain S. Z., Kalkan C. K., Toksöz E. B., Ünsal Aksu S. N., Bakır M. and Ordu M., “Recent advances on glass fiber-reinforced composites for aerospace applications”, under review, (2025). [27] Kurucu A., Yilmaz G., Onuralp D. B., Hussain S. Z. and Ordu M., “Evaluating the mechanical, chemical and electromagnetic properties of ZnO nanoparticle coated glass fibers for fiber-reinforced composites “, under review, (2025). [26] Adelpour Z., Shabani F., Vazirabadi A. K., Sadeghi M., Rahman M., Karaboğa F., Ünal E., Ordu M. and Demir H. V., “Side-emitting optical fibers of colloidal quantum wells“, ACS Applied Nano Materials, (2025). [25] Singh V. P., Singh A. and Ordu M., “Nanointerface insights in PVDF films with ultra-low loading of nitrogen-doped carbon dots for high energy density storage“, ACS Applied Electronic Materials, (2025). [24] Sadeque M. S. B., Rahman M., Hasan M. M. and Ordu M., “Thermal drawing of MoS2 integrated PVDF triboelectric fiber for continuous respiration monitoring“, Advanced Sensor Research, (2024). [23] Hasan M. M., Rahman M., Sadeque M. S. B. and Ordu M., “Single piezoelectric fiber sensor for wireless monitoring of physiological signals“, ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, (2024). [22] Gamble J., Ordu M. and Akosman A.E. “Frequency selective low-loss transmission in negative curvature hollow-core fibers“, Physica Scripta, 99 (5), 055535 (2024). [21] Sadeque M. S. B., Rahman M., Hasan M. M. and Ordu M., “Graphene nanoplatelet-integrated thermally drawn PVDF triboelectric nanocomposite fibers for extreme environmental conditions,” Advanced Electronic Materials, 10 (4), 2300643 (2024). [20] Siddiqui M. Z., Akosman A.E. and Ordu M. “Enhancing polarization maintenance and spectral filtering in negative curvature hollow-core fibers“, Photonics and Nanostructures – Fundamentals and Applications, 58, 101221, (2024). [19] Khan A. and Ordu M., “CO laser transmission through negative curvature hollow-core fiber with nested multi-bar cladding design,” Physica Scripta, 99 (1), 015528 (2023). [18] Rahman M. and Ordu M., “Long-length 3D printed hollow-core polymer optical fiber for wideband light guidance“, Optical Fiber Technology, 81, 103512, (2023). [17] Bagheri Behboud A., Ahmed M. K., Kurucu A., Kurt Çömlekçi G. and Ordu M., ”Alkaline resistant high strength zirconia nanoparticle-coated glass fibers”, Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 619, 122571, (2023). [16] Sadeque M. S. B., Chowdhury H. K., Rafique M., Durmuş M. A., Ahmed M. K., Hasan M. M., Erbaş A., Sarpkaya I., İnci F. and Ordu M., ”Hydrogel-integrated optical fiber sensors and their applications: A comprehensive review”, Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 11, 9383 – 9424, (2023). [15] Ordu M. “The role of semiconductors in the future of optical fibers“, Frontiers in Physics, 11, 1141795, (2023). [14] Ahmed M. K., Behboud A. B., Kurucu A., Comlekci G. and Ordu M. “Improved mechanical properties of E-glass fiber through TiO2 nanoparticle coating“, Material Science and Technology, pp. 1304-1312, (2023). [13] Khan A. and Ordu M. “Mid-infrared negative curvature hollow-core fiber with elliptically nested tubular structure“, Optics Communications, 531, 129227, (2023). [12] Hasan M. M., Sadeque M. S. B., Albasar I., Pecenek H., Dokan F. K., Onses M. S. and Ordu M. “Scalable fabrication of MXene-PVDF nanocomposite triboelectric fibers via thermal drawing“, Small, 19 (6), 2370038, (2023). [11] Ordu M. and Akosman, A. E. “Re-thinking the Design of low-loss hollow-core fibers via optimal positioning of the nested elements“, Optics Letters, 47(12), pp.3039-3042, (2022). [10] Mahmud S. T., Hasan M. M., Bain S., Rahman S. T., Rhaman M., Hossain M. M. and Ordu M. “Multilayer MXene Heterostructures and Nanohybrids for Multifunctional Applications: A Review“, ACS Materials Letter 4, pp.1174-1206, (2022). [9] Khan A. and Ordu M. “Exploration of hybrid cladding elements in chalcogenide hollow-core fibers for low-loss mid-infrared transmission,” Optik, 248, p.168226, (2021). [8] Akosman A. E. and Ordu M. “Nested compound negative curvature hollow-core fiber for single-mode operation in the infrared region,” Optics Communications, p.127194, (2021). [7] Ordu M. “Hollow-core optical fiber with eight-pointed star cladding structure for low-loss transmission in telecom bands,” Turkish Journal of Physics 45.2 pp. 82-89, (2021). [6] Ordu M. and Basu S.N. “Recent progress in germanium-core optical fibers for mid-infrared optics,” Infrared Physics & Technology, 111, p. 103507, (2020). [5] Ordu M., Guo J., Akosman A.E., Erramilli S., Ramachandran S. and Basu S.N. “Effect of thermal annealing on mid-infrared transmission in semiconductor alloy-core glass-cladded fibers,” Advanced Fiber Materials, 2(3) pp.178-184, (2020). [4] Ordu M., Guo J., Tai B., Hong M.K., Erramilli S., Ramachandran S. and Basu S.N. “Mid-Infrared Transmission in Germanium-Core Borosilicate Glass-Clad Semiconductor Fibers,” Optical Materials Express, vol. 7, no. 9, pp. 3107–3115, (2017). [3] Ordu M., Guo J., Ng Pack G., Shah P., Ramachandran S., Hong M. K., Ziegler L. D., Erramilli S., and Basu S. N. “Nonlinear optics in germanium mid-infrared fiber material: Detuning oscillations in femtosecond mid-infrared spectroscopy,” AIP Advances, vol. 7, no. 9, p.095125, (2017). [2] Ordu M. and Hane K. “Transmission-width-tunable silicon-photonic microelectromechanical ring resonator,” Photonics Technology Letters, vol. 25, no. 22, pp. 2236–2238, (2013). [1] Trabzon L., Kizil H., Yobas L., Ozbey A., Yilmaz M., Cengiz M., Trabzon M., Ordu M. and Kaygusuz N. “The effect of asymmetry on particle focusing in microchannels,” Advanced Materials Research, vol. 403, pp. 482–485, (2011).Conferences & Proceedings
[40] Hasan M. M., Rahman M., Sadeque M. S. B., and Ordu M., “Self-Poled Piezoelectric Nanocomposite Fiber Sensor for Wireless Monitoring of Physiological Signals” in MRS Fall Meeting and Exhibit, Boston, Massachusetts, USA, Dec 2024. [39] Sadeque M. S. B., Rahman M., Hasan M. M. and Ordu M., “MoS2-Integrated Polymer Nanocomposite Fibers for Triboelectric Generation via Thermal Drawing Technique” in MRS Fall Meeting and Exhibit, Boston, Massachusetts, USA, Dec 2024. [38] Sadeque M. S. B., Rahman M., Hasan M. M. and Ordu M., “Thermal Drawing of Graphene-Polyvinylidene Fluoride Fibers for Self-Powered Sensing” in MRS Fall Meeting and Exhibit, Boston, Massachusetts, USA, Dec 2024. [37] Siddiqui M. Z., Okatani T., Kanamori Y., Ordu M., “Negative Curvature Hollow Core Fibers for Terahertz Wave Guidance via 3D Polymer Printing” in MRS Fall Meeting and Exhibit, Boston, Massachusetts, USA, Dec 2024. [36] Fatima A., Akosman A.E. and Ordu M., “Bar-supported negative curvature hollow-core fiber for low-loss guidance in the near-infrared region “, in Asia Communications and Photonics Conference, Beijing, China, Nov 2024. [35] Siddiqui M. Z., Akosman A.E. and Ordu M., “Higher Order Mode Analysis in Frequency Selective Negative Curvature Fibers” in Optica Advanced Photonics Congress, Quebec City, Canada, July 2024.Completed Dissertations
7. Muhammad Zain Siddiqui M.Sc., “Polarization maintaining and spectral filtering properties of hollow-core optical fibers for near-infrared region”, 2024.
6. Md Sazid Bin Sadeque M.Sc., “Thermal drawing of low-dimensional material-integrated triboelectric fibers for healthcare applications”, 2024.
5. Arda Kurucu M.Sc., “Metal oxide nanoparticle coatings for enhanced mechanical and chemical properties of glass fibers,” 2024.
4. Md Mehdi Hasan M.Sc., “Scalable fabrication of nanomaterial integrated polymer fibers as self-powered sensors,” 2023.
3. Mahmudur Rahman, M.Sc., “Fabrication and characterization of hollow core negative curvature polymer optical fibers for infrared light guidance,” 2023.
2. Md Kawsar Ahmed, M.Sc., “Mechanical and chemical properties of nanoparticle coated E-glass fibers for composite applications,” 2023.
1. Asfandyar Khan, M.Sc., “Chalcogenide integrated hollow-core optical fibers for infrared light guidance,” 2023.
Mustafa Ordu
Ph.D., “Fabrication and characterization of semiconductor core optical fibers for mid-infrared transmission”, 2018.
M.Sc., “Silicon-photonic ring resonator with quality factor tuning mechanism”, 2013.
B.Sc., “Fabrication and characterization of PDMS-based microchannels for particle separation”, 2011.
- Fiber For Generating Electricity, M. Ordu and M. M. Hasan, PCT/TR2024/051342, (2024)
- Elektrik üreten fiber, M. Ordu and M. M. Hasan, değerlendirme aşamasında, (2023).