Bilkent Computer Center
1. Ph.D. Dissertation
1.1. A Computer Assisted Universal Design (CAUD) Plug-in Tool for Architectural Design Process, September/2008, Prof. Halime Demirkan (Adviser), Bilkent University, Department of Interior Architecture and Environmental Design.
2. Master Dissertation
2.1. Exploring the Potential of Mat-building for the Creation of Universally Designed Environments, June/2004, Doc. Dr. Emel Akozer (Adviser), Prof. dr. Halime Demirkan (Co-adviser), Middle East Technical University, Department of Architecture.
3. Chapters in books
3.1. Y. Afacan, “The Relationship Between Housing Accessibility and Healthy Aging: The Case of Turkish Elderly Women” in Transforming Our World Through Design, Diversity and Education, G. Craddock, C. Doran, L. McNutt and D. Rice (Eds.) pp.345-356, Amsterdam: IOS Press.
3.2. K. Hadjri, Y. Afacan and T. Gadakari, “Inclusive Design”, in ZEMCH: Toward the Delivery of Zero Energy Mass Custom Homes, Noguchi M. (Ed.), pp. 151-175, Switzerland: Springer, 2016.
3.3. Y. Afacan, “Ageing Engagement: Improving the Elderly Experience in Kitchen” in Designing around People.(Edited by P. Langdon, P. J. Clarkson, P. Robinson, J. Lazar and A. Heylighen). London: Springer, 2016.
3.4. Y. Afacan, “Achieving Inclusion in Public Spaces: A Shopping Mall Case Study” in Designing Inclusive Systems.(Edited by P. Langdon, P. J. Clarkson, P. Robinson, J. Lazar and A. Heylighen). London: Springer, 2012. 241-252.
3.5. Y. Afacan, “Designing for an Aging Population: Residential Preferences of the Turkish Elderly to Age in Place” in Designing Inclusive Futures.(Edited by P. Langdon, P. J. Clarkson and P. Robinson). London: Springer, 2008. 241-252.
4. Articles in refereed journalslisted by ISI Citation Indices (SCI, SSCI, A&HCI)
4.1. Y. Afacan, “Extending Importance-Performance Analysis (IPA) Approach to Turkish Older People’s Self-Rated Home Accessibility”, Journal of Housing and the Built Environment, 2019, In Press.
4.2. E. Seles and Y. Afacan, “The Role of healthy urban performance on walkability: Broadening the theory of planned behaviour”, Open House International, 2019, In press
4.3. H. Demirkan, Y. Afacan, “Setting The Key Issues And A Prioritization Strategy For Designing Sustainable Interior Environments,” METU Journal Faculty of Architecture, 2018, 35,1, 201-219. (A&HCI).
4.4. Y. Afacan, “Student Experiences of Blended Learning in Interior Architecture”, Journal of Information Technology Education: Research, 2018, 17, 399-422. (ESCI)
4.5. C.G.G. Gunday, Y. Afacan, “Analyzing the Effects of Critique Techniques on the Success of Interior Architecture Students”, International J of Art and Design Education, 2018, 37, 469-479.
4.6. S.M. Kaya, Y. Afacan, “Effects of daylight design features on visitors’ satisfaction of museums”, Indoor and Built Environment, 2018, 27, 1341-1356.
4.7. Y. Afacan. “Sustainable Library Buildings: Green Design Needs and Interior Architecture Students’ Ideas for Special Collection Rooms”, Journal of Academic Librarianship, 2017,43, 375-383.
4.8. Y. Afacan and H. Demirkan, “The influence of sustainable design features on indoor environmental quality satisfaction in Turkish dwellings”, Architectural Science Review, 2016, 59 (3), 229-238. (A&HCI).
4.9. “Exploring Effectiveness of Blended Learning in Interior Design Education”, Innovations in Education and Teaching International, 2016, 53 (5), 508-518. Afacan, Y. (SSCI).
4.10. Y. Afacan, “Resident satisfaction for sustainable urban regeneration”, Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers-Municipal Engineer, 2015, 168 (4). 220-234. (SCI).
4.11. Y. Afacan, “Exploring Older Workers’ Interaction with Sustainable Office Environments”, The Design Journal, March 2015, 18 (1), 57-82. (A&HCI).
4.12.Y. Afacan, and M.O. Gurel, “Public Toilets: An Exploratory Study on the Demands, Needs and Expectations in Turkey”, Environment and Planning B: Planning and Design, April 2015, 42 (2), 242-262. (SSCI).
4.13.“Introducing sustainability to interior design students through industry collaboration”, International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education, 2014, 15(1), 84-97. Afacan, Y. (SSCI).
4.14.“Elderly-friendly Inclusive Urban Environments: Learning from Ankara”, Open House International, 2013, 38(1), 52-62. Afacan, Y. (A&HCI).
4.15.“Assessing creativity in design education: Analysis of creativity factors in the first-year design studio”, Design Studies, 2012, 33(3), 262-278. Demirkan, H. and Afacan, Y. (SCI-Expanded).
4.16.Y. Afacan and H. Demirkan“An Ontology-based Universal Design Knowledge Support System”. Knowledge-Based Systems, 2011, 24 (4), 530-541. (SCI).
4.17.Y. Afacan and H. Demirkan, “A priority-based approach for satisfying the diverse users’ needs, capabilities and expectations: A universal kitchen design case”. Journal of Engineering Design, 2010, 21 (2–3), pp. 315-343. (SCI-Expanded).
4.18.Y. Afacan and C. Erbug, “Application of Heuristic Evaluation Method by Universal Design Experts”. Applied Ergonomics, 2009, 40 (4), pp. 731-744. (SCI,SCI-Expanded, SSCI, ).
5. Refereed proceedings
5. 1. Y. Afacan, “The Relationship Between Housing Accessibility and Healthy Aging: The Case of Turkish Elderly Women”, Universal Design and Higher Education in Transformation Congress 2018, Dublin, Ireland, 30 October-2 November 2018 (published in the Proceedings of Universal Design and Higher Education in Transformation Congress 2018).
5. 2. Y. Afacan, “Workshop:Yaşlıların Yaşam Evi Beklentilerini Lego® Serious Play® (LSP) Metodu ile Anlamak”, 2 November 2018, II. Congress of Aging Studies for Graduate Students, Akdeniz University, Antalya.
5. 3. Y. Afacan and J. Onyango, “Using Virtual Reality to Promote Positive Feelings of Elderly”, 7-11 May 2018, 11th World Conference of International Society of Gerontechnology (ISG), St. Petersburg, USA.
5.4. Y. Afacan, “Farklı konut Tiplerinde Yaşlı Kullanıcıların Erişilebilirlik İhtiyaçları”, 3. Ulusal Yapı Kongresi ve Sergisi: Teknik Tasarım, Güvenlik ve Erişilebilirlik, Ankara, Turkey, 25-26 KASIM 2016.
5. Y. Afacan, “Blended learning for non-studio courses: Interior architecture student experiences”. 5th World Conference on Educational Sciences,Procedia – Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2014, 116, 1599-1603.
6. Y. Afacan, “Yesil Ofis Tasarımları Için Gerekli Iç Mekan Iklim Parametrelerinin Ergonomi Bakıs Açısıyla Arastırılması”. Akıllı Binalar ve Yesil Binalar Kongresi Bildiriler Kitabi,2013, pp. 14-18. Gazi University Press, Ankara.
7. Y. Afacan, “Investigating the Effects of Group Working in Studying Interior Architecture”. The World Conference on Design, Arts and Education (DAE-2012), Procedia – Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2012, 51, 506-511.
8. Y. Afacan, “Teaching Universal Design: An Empirical Research in Interior Architecture”. 3rd World Conference on Educational Sciences, Procedia – Social and Behavioral Sciences,2011, 15, 3185-3192.
9. Y. Afacan, “Herkes Için Tasarlanmıs Banyolarda Dikkat Edilmesi Gereken Tasarım Faktörleri”. 17. Ulusal Ergonomi Kongresi Bildiriler Kitabi, 2011, pp. 549-558. Osman Gazi University Press, Eskisehir.
10. Y. Afacan, “Residential Revitalisation through the Universal Heuristic Evaluation Model (UHEM)”. Proceedings of the International Symposium on ‘Revitalising Built Environments: Requalifying Old Places for New Uses‘. 12-16 October 2009, Istanbul, Turkey. pp 46-47.
11. Y. Afacan, “Universal Design as an Integral Part of Design Curriculum: A Case Study in Bilkent University”. Include 2009 Proceedings, 5-8 April2009, London, UK.
12. Y. Afacan, “Integrating Universal Design into the Main Stream of Architectural Design Education”. Proceedings of Built Environment and Information Technologies. (Edited by S. Andolsun, A. Temizsoy and M. Ucar). Ankara: Metu Press. 17-18 March 2006, Ankara, Turkey. pp. 99-113.
13.Y. Afacan, “Developing Design Strategies for Universally Designed Built Environments in the 21stCentury”. Proceedings of Built Environment and Information Technologies. (Edited by S. Andolsun, A. Temizsoy and M. Ucar). Ankara: Metu Press. 17-18 March 2006, Ankara, Turkey. pp. 219-231.
14. Y. Afacan, “The Spatial Transmutations of Cities within the Domains of the Global Phenomenon”.ProceedingsUIA 2005- XXII World Architecture Congress, Cities of Grand Bazaar of Architecture. Istanbul: Chamber of Architects Press. 3-7 July, Istanbul Turkey. p. 423.
15. Y. Afacan, “A New Kind of Urbanism for All”. Open Space: People Space Conference: Abstracts.(Edited by P. Aspinall, S. Bell, W.C. Thompson and P. Travlou). Edinburgh: OPENspace Research Centre. 27-29 October, Edinburgh, UK. p. 17.
6. Articles in refereed journals NOT listed by ISI Citation Indices (that is, not listed by SCI, SSCI or A&HCI)
5.1. “Ergonomic Wet Spaces: Design Factors in Bathrooms Designed for All”. Design for All, 2012, 7, 24-41. Afacan, Y.
5.2. “Rethinking social inclusivity: Design strategies for universally designed sustainable cities”. P I Civil Eng – Urban Design and Planning, 2011, Article in Press. Afacan, Y. and Afacan, S. O.
5.3. “Residential Revitalisation through the Universal Heuristic Evaluation Model (UHEM)”.Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture, 2010, Vol. 4 no.6, pp. 1–10. Afacan, Y.
7. Articles in non-refereed journals
6.1. “Yaşanabilir Kentsel Mekanlar İçin Erişilebilirliğin Önemi: Çukurambar Kentsel Dönüşüm Örneği”, TMMOB Mimarlar Odası Dosya 37: Mekanlarda Erisilebilirlik, Kullanilabilirlik ve Yasanabilirlik, Article in Press, 2015 Aralik. Afacan, Y.
6.2. “Konut Mimarisinde Evrensel Tasarımın Önemi: Yaşlılarla Yapılan Bir Saha Çalışması”. YAPI, 2011, 357, 96-99. Afacan, Y.
“Transdisciplinary necessities: Embedding the social in design education to promote universal design thinking and practice”, Inflection: Journal Melbourne School of Design, under review, submitted October 2015. Afacan, Y., Stafford L. and Loder N.