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Research & Projects


Current Research Interests

1-Laser physics

  • Development of mode-locked fiber oscillators (Yb-, Er- and Th-doped fibers).
  • Development of high-power and high-energy fiber amplifiers.
  • Development of ultra-high repetition rate fiber lasers (several-GHz).
  • Development of burst-mode fiber lasers.

2-Laser material processing

  • Laser-material processing including metals, silicon, soft and hard tissues.
  • Thermal and non-thermal laser-matter interaction


1-Design and fabrication of double-end-pumped laser cavity with thermal effects considerations, Arsanjan Azad University, Arsanjan, Iran (2003-2005) (Principal Investigator).

2- Investigation of electron emission in dispersive medium, Arsanjan Azad University, Arsanjan, Iran (2003-2005) (CoInvestigator).

3- 300-W, picosecond fiber laser for ultra-high-speed, non-thermal processing of metals, TUBITAK, Turkey (2013-2015) (Principal Investigator).

4- Theoretical and experimental study on a novel synchronously-pumped Raman fiber laser, TUBITAK, Turkey (2015-2017) (Principal Investigator).

5- Development of burst-mode ultrafast Tm-doped fiber laser, TUBITAK, Turkey (2017-continue) (Researcher).